In ZIYUN Grove Speech Recognizer kit for... - CucinaIn ZIYUN Grove Speech Recognizer kit for Arduino,contain Base Shield,Speech Recognizer,MP3 v2.0,RTC,Infrared Receiver,Infrared Emitter etc,This is the entry-level toolkit for speech recognition Questo è il toolkit entry-level per il riconoscimento vocale È possibile costruire un dispositivo domestico intelligente multimediale... |
In ZIYUN ReSpeaker Core - Based On MT7688 and... - BareboneIn ZIYUN ReSpeaker Core - Based On MT7688 and OpenWRTc,Open source voice interaction,Identify the development board main control board,Compatible with Arduino Wireless Streaming via Airplay/DLNA Speech recognition with or without the internet Extendable with Mic Array. Grove Extendable For Python and C/C++ developers... |
ZiYun Grove Ultrasonic Ranger - SupportiZiYun Grove Ultrasonic Ranger Grove interface compatible Arduino library ready Industrial performance Operating voltage: 3.3~5V Operating current: 15mA Ultrasonic frequency: 42kHz Measuring range: 3-400cm Resolution: 1cm Output: PWM... |
DFRobot Speech Synthesis Shield per Arduino... - BareboneDFRobot Speech Synthesis Shield per Arduino... |
Teensy Grove Base Shield V2.0 per Arduino... - Barebone - 15,54€Teensy Grove Base Shield V2.0 per Arduino... |
Speech! Speech! - Libro - 71,47€Speech! Speech!... |
Grove - starter kit V3 - Componenti e PezziGrove - starter kit V3 Development Boards & Kits - Grove - Starter Kit per Arduino AVR... |
ZiYun Grove Moisture Sensor - SupportiZiYun Grove Moisture Sensor It can be applied to the Botanical gardens Grove Compatible Interface Easy to Use... |
Seeedstudio Grove - Relay - Barebone - 19,99€Seeedstudio Grove - Relay Arduino Raspberry Pi, Maker Fairshenzhen... |
Seeedstudio Grove - Button - Barebone - 2,99€Seeedstudio Grove - Button Arduino Raspberry Pi, Maker Fairshenzhen... |
SeeedStudio Grove Ultrasonic Ranger - BareboneSeeedStudio Grove Ultrasonic Ranger Features Detecting range: 3cm-4m,best in 30 degree angle. Grove interface 5V DC power supply Arduino library ready... |
Best Price Square Grove, ARDUINO Shield V2 BPSCA... - Barebone - 19,02€Best Price Square Grove, ARDUINO Shield V2 BPSCA 103030000 - SC13822 di SEEED Studio... |
Grove Shield per Arduino Nano - Barebone - 13,25€Grove Shield per Arduino Nano Scudo facile da usare per Arduino Nano e Seeduino Nano Espande le tue abilità Arduinos con 8 connettori Grove Utilizzare il sistema Grove Plug-and-Play Collega facilmente centinaia di sensori, attuatori e display Grove Spedizione veloce dal nostro negozio nel Regno Unit... |
Seeedstudio Grove - Mega Shield v1.2 - Barebone - 36€Seeedstudio Grove - Mega Shield v1.2 Mega Shield è una scheda di estensione per Arduino Mega e Google ADK. Compatibile con Arduino Mega1280/2560. Compatibile con Grove Compatibile con Google ADK... |
Sipeed Maix Cube K210 AI + lOT Mini Board Grove... - Demo Board - 45,35$Sipeed Maix Cube K210 AI + lOT Mini Board Grove Interface Speech Recognition,Include 1.3 Inch Lcd, Dual Front and Rear Cameras... |
Seeedstudio Grove - Green Wrapper 1*2(4 PCS pack)... - BareboneSeeedstudio Grove - Green Wrapper 1*2(4 PCS pack) Arduino Raspberry Pi Maker equo Shenzhen... |
Seeedstudio Grove - Yellow Wrapper 1*2(4 PCS pack)... - BareboneSeeedstudio Grove - Yellow Wrapper 1*2(4 PCS pack) Arduino Raspberry Pi Maker equo Shenzhen... |
Seeedstudio Grove - Red Wrapper 1*1 (4pcs pack)... - BareboneSeeedstudio Grove - Red Wrapper 1*1 (4pcs pack) Arduino Raspberry Pi Maker equo Shenzhen... |
Seeedstudio Grove - Green Wrapper 1*1(4 PCS pack)... - BareboneSeeedstudio Grove - Green Wrapper 1*1(4 PCS pack) Arduino Raspberry Pi Maker equo Shenzhen... |
Seeedstudio Grove - Blue Wrapper 1*2(4 PCS pack)... - BareboneSeeedstudio Grove - Blue Wrapper 1*2(4 PCS pack) Arduino Raspberry Pi Maker equo Shenzhen... |
ZiYun Grove Loudness Sensor - SupportiZiYun Grove Loudness Sensor The Grove Loudness Sensor is designed to detect the loudness of environmental sound. Based on amplifier LM2904 and a built-in microphone, it amplifies and filters the high frequency signal that received from the microphone, and outputs a positive envelop. Grove compatible interface Wide supply... |
In ZIYUN Grove - GPS,This Grove - GPS module is a... - BareboneIn ZIYUN Grove - GPS,This Grove - GPS module is a cost-efficient and field-programmable gadget armed with a SIM28and serial communication configuration Supports NMEA and U-Blox 6 protocols Low power consumption Baud rates configurable 3.3/5V working voltage... |
Speech Therapy - Musica - 9,99€Speech Therapy... |
Funk Speech - Musica - 1,29€Funk Speech... |
Speech analysis - Libro - 13,86€Speech analysis... |
Speech (Remastered) - Musica - 7,99€Speech (Remastered)... |
Speech Sounds - Libro - 67€Speech Sounds... |
Acceptance Speech - Musica - 11,99€Acceptance Speech... |
Soul Speech - Musica - 1,29€Soul Speech... |
Maiden Speech - Libro - 11,87€Maiden Speech... |
Curtain Speech - Musica - 6,99€Curtain Speech... |
Voice Recognition Module With Microphone Dupont - Portable Audio & Video - 20,71$ 32,88$Voice Recognition Module With Microphone Dupont Speech Recognition Voice Control Board For Arduino Compatible... |
Arii Grove - MusicaArii Grove... |
Coconut grove - Libro - 7,99€Coconut grove... |
Lisson Grove - Libro - 8,43€ 9,20€Lisson Grove... |
Shady Grove - Musica - 1,29€Shady Grove... |
Mimosa Grove - Libro - 22,95€Mimosa Grove... |
Forest Grove - Scarpe Sportive - 58,98€Forest Grove... |
Dova Grove - Musica - 15,80€Dova Grove... |
Hemlock Grove - Libro - 10,88€ 14,65€Hemlock Grove... |