SunFounder LCD2004 Module with 3.3V Backlight... - Informatica - 14,99€SunFounder LCD2004 Module with 3.3V Backlight compatible with Arduino R3 Mega Raspberry Pi Display of 20x4 White Characters on Blue Background(2 Pcs) Display 20 characters including letter, number and symbol in 4 lines on a large screen Working voltage: 5V; Contrast adjustable with a 50K potentiometer onside Bright backlight... |
SunFounder LCD2004 Module with 3.3V Backlight for... - ElettronicaSunFounder LCD2004 Module with 3.3V Backlight for Arduino Uno R3 Mega2560 Raspberry Pi Display of 20x4 White Characters on Blue Background Display 20 characters including letter, number and symbol in 4 lines on a large screen Working voltage: 5V; Contrast adjustable with a 50K potentiometer onside Bright backlight, displaying... |
ILS - LCD2004 LCD Screen Control Module White... - ElettronicaSeptember 2023 Ils i Love Shopping ILS - LCD2004 LCD Screen Control Module White Character Blue Backlight For 3D Printer... |
SUNFOUNDER LCD1602 Module with 3.3V Backlight... - Barebone - 11,99€SUNFOUNDER LCD1602 Module with 3.3V Backlight compatible with Arduino R3 MEGA Raspberry Pi 16x2 Character White on Blue Background Display 2 lines of 16 characters including letter, number, and symbol Working voltage: 5V; contrast adjustable with a 50K potentiometer onside Module dimensions: 80 x 36 x 12 mm; Viewing area... |
1pcs LCD Module Display Monitor LCD2004 2004 20*4... - Electrical Equipment - 4,51$1pcs LCD Module Display Monitor LCD2004 2004 20*4 20X4 5V Character Blue/Green Backlight Screen... |
2004A LCD Module Display Monitor LCD2004 2004 20*4... - Electrical Equipment - 3,50$2004A LCD Module Display Monitor LCD2004 2004 20*4 20X4 5V Character Yellow Backlight Screen for IIC 3D printer... |
SunFounder IIC I2C TWI Serial 2004 20x4 LCD Module... - Interfacce e Moduli - 12,99€SunFounder IIC I2C TWI Serial 2004 20x4 LCD Module Shield compatible with Arduino R3 MEGA (IIC 2004) Sunfounder I2C LCD 2004 displays characters of 4 rows with 20 characters in each You can adjust the contrast by the potentiometer at its back.If you don't want the backlight, you can also unplug the jumper cap at the LCD... |
SUNFOUNDER LCD1602 Module with 3.3V Backlight for... - ElettronicaSUNFOUNDER LCD1602 Module with 3.3V Backlight for Arduino Uno R3 Mega2560 Raspberry Pi 16x2 Character White on Blue Background Display 2 lines of 16 characters including letter, number, and symbol Working voltage: 5V; contrast adjustable with a 50K potentiometer onside Module dimensions: 80 x 36 x 12 mm; Viewing area... |
Compatible with Raspberry Pi RTC clock module... - Electrical Equipment - 3,41$Compatible with Raspberry Pi RTC clock module... |
W5100S Network Module SPI/parallel Port Compatible... - Family Intelligence - 13,71$ 14,90$W5100S Network Module SPI/parallel Port Compatible with W5100... |
SUNFOUNDER 0.96" inch Blue I2C IIC Serial 128x64... - Moduli di AccessoSUNFOUNDER 0.96" inch Blue I2C IIC Serial 128x64 OLED LCD LED SSD1306 Module for Arduino Raspberry Pi Display OLED-SSD1306, a more elaborate and beautiful screen than LCD, with more functions High contrast, thus supporting clear display With no need of backlight Working voltage: 3.3V - 5V; Size:0.96 inch Communication... |
4CH Bluetooth-compatible Relay Switch Module With... - Electrical Equipment - 9,89$ 19,79$4CH Bluetooth-compatible Relay Switch Module With App Remote Control Mobile... |
SUNFOUNDER Infrared Sensitive IR Receiver Sensor... - BareboneSUNFOUNDER Infrared Sensitive IR Receiver Sensor Module for Arduino And Raspberry Pi An infrared receiver module that uses a 1838b highly sensitive IR receiver Low cost, wide-angle, and long-distance receiving Output levels compatible with TTL and CMOS level, activated by low level With power light and indicator of digital... |
SunFounder Electronics Fun Kit with 1602 LCD... - Demo Board - 17,84$ 20,99$SunFounder Electronics Fun Kit with 1602 LCD Module,breadboard,LED,Resistor for Arduino UNO MEGA2560 or Raspberry Pi... |
1pcs blue 84X48 5110 LCD Module with blue... - Games & Accessories - 1,48$ 1,72$1pcs blue 84X48 5110 LCD Module with blue backlight with adapter PCB LCD5110... |
Panel High Sensitivity Microphone Sensor Module... - Electrical Equipment - 5,22$Panel High Sensitivity Microphone Sensor Module Sound Module KY-037 Compatible with... |
SUNFOUNDER 2 Channel Relay Module DC 5V Power... - BareboneSUNFOUNDER 2 Channel Relay Module DC 5V Power Supply Relay Board with Optocoupler High Level Triger Compatible with Arduino And Raspberry Pi This is a 5V 2-Channel Relay interface board, each one needs 15-20mA Driver Current As a HIGH level trigger relay, it is built with indicator LEDs showing working status, supporting... |
SUNFOUNDER IoT Internet of Things Shields Kit for... - ElettronicaSUNFOUNDER IoT Internet of Things Shields Kit for Arduino, Build Your Own IoT World This IoT Shield is compatible with SunFounder Uno and SunFounder Mega 2560. With the shield, you may get started with 2.4GHz high-speed wireless transceiver module NRF24L01 and ESP8266 WiFi. IoT Shield consists of Gateway Shield and Node... |
GEEETECH Reprap LCD2004 Smart Controller - BareboneGEEETECH Reprap LCD2004 Smart Controller Display(Smart Adapter for Rambo Board) This is a basic 20 character by 4 line dot matrix LCD display controller module designed for different 3D printer motherboard. The product contains 20 Character x 4 Line LCD display,an rotary encoder, Smart adapter and 30cm connection cables... |
KOOKYE 3D Printer Parts MKS Robin nano Integrated - ControllerKOOKYE 3D Printer Parts MKS Robin nano Integrated Circuit mainboard Controller Motherboard with Robin TS35 Display opened source software with FFC Line & USB Cable 1.Update the MCU from the STM32F407VGT6 to STM32F407VET6.Faster speed and more resources to suport more powerful functions 2.Compatible with USB disk printing... |
SUNFOUNDER Breadboard Power Supply Solderless... - ElettronicaSUNFOUNDER Breadboard Power Supply Solderless Module for Arduino And Raspberry Pi, MB102 3.3V 5V Compatible with Uno R3 Mega2560 Nano Raspberry Pi 3, 2 Model B & Raspberry Pi 1 Module B+ A convenient power module supplying especially an MB102 breadboard, supporting 5 V or 3.3 V output. Input voltage: DC 6.5-12 V. Output... |
1602 Serial LCD Module Display With Blue/Green... - Demo Board - 0,93$ 1,33$1602 Serial LCD Module Display With Blue/Green Backlight HD44780 Controller Character for Arduino Uno R3 Mega 2560... |
Voice Recognition Module With Microphone Dupont... - Portable Audio & Video - 20,71$ 32,88$Voice Recognition Module With Microphone Dupont Speech Recognition Voice Control Board For Arduino Compatible... |
SUNFOUNDER Wireless Bluetooth RF Transceiver... - AccessoriAugust 2024 Sunfounder Bc19666 SUNFOUNDER Wireless Bluetooth RF Transceiver Module HC-06 RS232 4 Pin Serial with Backplane for Arduino Uno R3 Mega 2560 Nano... |
ILS - 2 pieces VU Meter Warm Backlight Recording... - ElettronicaILS - 2 pieces VU Meter Warm Backlight Recording Audio Level Amp With Driver Module... |
SunFounder Lab Modulo 8 Relè 5V 8 Channels Relay... - ElettronicaSunFounder Lab Modulo 8 Relè 5V 8 Channels Relay Module compatible with Arduino 5V 8-Channel Relay interface board, and each one needs 15-20mA Driver Current Equiped with high-current relay, AC250V 10A; DC30V 10A Standard interface that can be controlled directly by microcontroller (compatible with Arduino, 8051, AVR... |
3pcs TW 02 Wireless WiFi Module / Compatible with... - Accessories & Parts - 4,82$ 5,30$3pcs TW 02 Wireless WiFi Module / Compatible with ESP8266 E2S Supports Serial Port Transparent SPI Transmission... |
BT06 Bluetooth serial port module Wireless... - Games & Accessories - 1,37$BT06 Bluetooth serial port module Wireless transparent data transmission 51 MCU compatible with HC-06 DIY compatible with UNO... |
EMMC module 8GB / 16GB / 32GB compatible with... - Demo Board - 41,42$EMMC module 8GB / 16GB / 32GB compatible with Nanopi K1 Plus K2 M4 NEO4 M4V2... |
1602 Serial LCD Module Display With Blue/Green... - Demo Board - 0,90$ 1,33$1602 Serial LCD Module Display With Blue/Green; 1602 Serial LCD Module Display With Blue/Green Backlight HD44780 Controller Character for Arduino Uno R3 Mega 2560... |
Tri-color 1.54 Inch E-Ink Display Module - Informatica - 20,25€Tri-color 1.54 Inch E-Ink Display Module Three-color Resolution 200x200 3.3v E-paper Electronic Screen Panel with Embedded Controller SPI Interface Support for Raspberry Pi/STM32/Nucleo/Jetson Nano E-Ink display module, 1.54inch, 200x200 resolution, with embedded controller, communicating via SPI interface, supports red... |
128*64 DOTS LCD module 5V blue screen 12864 LCD... - Electrical Equipment - 6,20$128*64 DOTS LCD module 5V blue screen 12864 LCD with backlight ST7920 Parallel port LCD12864... |
1PCS CO2 gas detection module non dispersive... - Accessories & Parts - 24$1PCS CO2 gas detection module non dispersive infrared technology compatible with S8 0053... |
5V2A charging and discharging module integrated... - Demo Board - 1,03$ 1,20$5V2A charging and discharging module integrated Type - C input compatible with 4.2V lithium battery... |
DS18B20 temperature measurement module digital... - Demo Board - 3,85$DS18B20 temperature measurement module digital sensor development board ph2.0 anti-reverse connection compatible with Lego... |
Voice Recognition Module & microphone Dupont Speed... - Demo Board - 20,81$ 21,90$Voice Recognition Module & microphone Dupont Speed Recognition compatible with for Arduino... |
GeeekPi 1602 16x2 Character LCD Display Module... - BareboneDecember 2023 Geeekpi Lcd 1602 GeeekPi 1602 16x2 Character LCD Display Module Yellow Backlight with IIC I2C Serial Interface Adapter board for Raspberry Pi Arduino STM32 DIY Maker Project BPI Tinker Board Electrical IoT (2Pack) Use the i2c protocol to reduce the occupation of I/O ports, making it easier to add to the project, and less wiring is more... |
4-digit 7-segment digital tube module with clock... - Demo Board - 3,85$4-digit 7-segment digital tube module with clock film super bright white light ph2.0 interface compatible with arduino... |
DOITING ESP8285 ESP-M1 Wireless Wifi Module With... - Home Appliance Parts - 2,20$DOITING ESP8285 ESP-M1 Wireless Wifi Module With Antenna Serial Port To Wifi Transparent Transmission Compatible With ESP8266... |
6871EC1113K Tumble Dryer Power Module - LG... - Pezzi di Ricambio - 135,88€OEM parts. Models compatible with: TDC70046E. TDC70140ENon-exhaustive list. |