Premier Seeds Direct NIG01F 2g The Virgin in Green... - GiardinoSeptember 2023 Premier Seeds Direct Premier Seeds Direct NIG01F 2g The Virgin in Green Seeds (confezione da 800) Seminare all'aperto all'inizio della primavera o in autunno sulla superficie, o coprire a malapena i semi. Sottile a 10 - 15 cm di distanza per piante più grandi. Per prolungare la fioritura, effettuare successive semine ogni 4 settimane durante... |
Premier Seeds Direct COU13 Zucchini "green bush"... - Piante, Semi e BulbiAugust 2024 Premier Seeds Direct Premier Seeds Direct COU13 Zucchini "green bush" semi più fini (confezione da 25) Seminare dal tardo Mar sotto la copertura posizionando ogni bordatura di seme profonda 1,27 cm in compost ben drenato. Temperatura minima: 65 °C. Bassa temperatura indurre marcisce. Prodotto professionale con licenza DEFRA (07274). Fornitura... |
Premier Seeds Direct AN 23VU BKJ6 Fragranza... - GiardinoPremier Seeds Direct AN 23VU BKJ6 Fragranza Platterbse "Royal Family" Semi di fiori bianchi (confezione da 70)... |
Premier Seeds Direct OF-9SPS-L5C6 piselli... - Alimentari e CuraPremier Seeds Direct OF-9SPS-L5C6 piselli "Alderman" finissimi semi grandi raccolti principali (confezione da 350)... |
Premier Seeds Direct ORG088 Ravanelli "French... - SementiJuly 2024 Premier Seeds Direct Premier Seeds Direct ORG088 Ravanelli "French Breakfast" Organic Seeds (confezione da 1200) Semina spesso e poco dall'ultimo gelo fino all'inverno per un raccolto continuo tutta l'estate. "Soil Association" registrato e certificato Organic - AP22387. Licenza professionale DEFRA solo per sementi di qualità - Imballaggio... |
Semi di zucca Premier Seeds Direct GOR03 "Big... - Vegetali - 13,30€Semi di zucca Premier Seeds Direct GOR03 "Big Bottle" (confezione da 12) Solo fornitura di semi di qualità con licenza DEFRA professionale Confezione minima Istruzioni non allegate Vedi i dettagli sopra indicati per consigli sulla coltivazione... |
Premier Seeds Direct - Scatola per finestre con... - DecorazioniJuly 2024 Premier Seeds Direct Premier Seeds Direct - Scatola per finestre con pomodoro, confezione da 100 pezzi, colore: Rosso Semina in primavera 1/16 pollici di profondità. La germinazione dura circa 6-14 giorni a 65-75F. Trapiantare le piantine quando abbastanza grande da gestire in vasi da 3 pollici. Solo fornitura di semi di qualità con licenza... |
Plant World Seeds - Galtonia Princeps Seeds... - FioriPlant World Seeds - Galtonia Princeps Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Common Name: Summer hyacinth Height: 60-90cm Packet content (approximately): 20 Strong, erect stems carry palest lime-green waxy bells, earlier than Galtonia candicans, above handsome, broad, grey... |
Plant World Seeds - Sage Seeds - Fiori - 11,99€October 2023 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Sage Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Packet content (approximately): 90 The leathery leaves of this hardy, long-lived, easy-to-grow shrub, once used by the Romans to help digestion and ease sore throats, are an attractive silver green, and are... |
Plant World Seeds - Veronica Gentianoides Seeds... - Fiori - 11,99€October 2023 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Veronica Gentianoides Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Height: 30-45cm Hardly resembling a gentian, but extremely lovely nonetheless, is this compact plant bearing many spires holding largish pale blue flowers. The glossy green basal foliage is... |
Premier Seeds Direct Mina per Gatti, 0,4 g, ca... - GiardinoSeptember 2023 Premier Seeds Direct Premier Seeds Direct Mina per Gatti, 0,4 g, ca. 500 Semi Sgrossare sottile su una busta di semi fine, ben impregnata, con copertura termica, 8 settimane prima dell'ultimo gelo. La germinazione dura 14-21 giorni in condizioni corrette. Possono essere seminati in tarda primavera, non appena il terreno si è riscaldato. Sottile... |
Semi di lavanda Premier Seeds Direct ORG175... - Giardino - 11,20€Semi di lavanda Premier Seeds Direct ORG175 (confezione da 400)... |
Premier Seeds Direct TEA01F 1.5 g Semi di cardo... - FioriSeptember 2023 Premier Seeds Direct Premier Seeds Direct TEA01F 1.5 g Semi di cardo selvatico (confezione da 380 pezzi) Seminare a partire dalla fine estate, spargendo con parsimonia fino al luogo in crescita, preferibilmente su terreni disturbati. Le piante non sono complicate per il tipo di terreno. Le piante sono biannuali. Fornitura professionale di semi... |
Plant World Seeds - Greenwich Seeds... - VegetaliPlant World Seeds - Greenwich Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Packet content (approximately): 10 These irregularly shaped, amber coloured beefsteaks hide an attractive secret. Cutting them open reveals a labyrinth-like, vivid lime-green interior. And they scored... |
Plant World Seeds - Helleborus Foetidus Seeds... - FioriPlant World Seeds - Helleborus Foetidus Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Common Name: Stinking Hellebore Packet content (approximately): 20 This ever-popular, evergreen Cottage-garden plant has downward facing, pale green flowers (sometimes with purple edging on the... |
Premier Seeds Direct HEL01F Mix di semi di fiori... - Fiori - 4,93€April 2022 Premier Seeds Direct Premier Seeds Direct HEL01F Mix di semi di fiori di campo "Tom Thumb" (confezione da 750) Seminare fino al tardo inverno a metà primavera a 24C (75F) in un terriccio fine sulla superficie e rassodare delicatamente. La luce aiuta la germinazione, e racchiudere in un sacchetto di polietilene contribuirà a trattenere l'umidità... |
Premier Seeds Direct NAS18F Crescione semi... - Piante, Semi e BulbiJuly 2024 Premier Seeds Direct Premier Seeds Direct NAS18F Crescione semi "rampicante Canary Creeper" (confezione da 30) Giorni alla germinazione: 10-14 giorni. Temperatura ottimale del terreno. per germinazione: 65-70F. Profondità di piantatura: 1/8-1/4". Spaziatura, Pianta: 12-24 pollici Altezza pianta: 0,9 - 1,5 m. Luce: pieno sole. La germinazione... |
Premier Seeds Direct HRB43 Erba di semi di... - SementiJuly 2024 Premier Seeds Direct Premier Seeds Direct HRB43 Erba di semi di finocchio a foglie rosse (confezione da 200) Semina in mar a metà maggio in trivellazioni poco profonde 18 pollici l'uno dall'altro. Poiché le piantine diventano abbastanza grandi da gestire sottili a 8 pollici tra ogni pianta. Mantenere le piante ben innaffiate. Dopo aver tagliato... |
Plant World Seeds - Draba Incerta Seeds... - FioriFebruary 2024 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Draba Incerta Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Common Name: Yellowstone draba Height: 5-10cm This American draba makes soft cushions of dark green, pointed leaves, above which arise short stems of bright yellow flowers in very early spring. |
Plant World Seeds - Aquilegia Vulgaris 'Nora... - Fiori - 11,99€January 2024 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Aquilegia Vulgaris 'Nora Barlow' Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Common Name: Columbine Nora Barlow, Granny's Bonnets Height: 60cm This ever-popular old cottage garden plant produces massed heads of very unusual, tightly-compressed green buttons... |
Plant World Seeds - Helleborus Viridis Seeds... - FioriSeptember 2023 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Helleborus Viridis Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Height: 30-45cm Bunches of open, saucer-like flowers, of a startling bright green, massed on strong stems in early spring. Very early flowering, long-lived flowers which are excellent for cutting... |
Plant World Seeds - Nives Seeds - VegetaliSeptember 2023 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Nives Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Packet content (approximately): 250 A bright green multi-leaf type of lettuce with deeply cut leaves. This variety can be grown on to form full heads, but is ideally suited for baby leaf production where it... |
Premier Seeds Direct - ORG132, Germogli per la... - VegetaliSeptember 2023 Premier Seeds Direct Premier Seeds Direct - ORG132, Germogli per la coltivazione di broccoli, 40 g Lasciare i semi in ammollo per 8-12 ore in acqua tiepida. Scolare l'acqua, risciacquare e versare i semi nel germinatoio. Posizionare a luce debole e temperatura ambiente (21° è la temperatura ottimale). Risciacquare delicatamente. Una volta pronti... |
Plant World Seeds - Wong Bok Seeds... - FioriSeptember 2023 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Wong Bok Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Common Name: CHINESE CABBAGE, PAI-TSAI Packet content (approximately): 250 Large barrel shaped heads, with crisp light green leaves grow typically up to 2.5kg. Fast growing and ready for harvest in 10 weeks... |
Plant World Seeds - Ricinus Communis Seeds... - FioriPlant World Seeds - Ricinus Communis Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Common Name: CASTOR OIL PLANT Height: 90cm-1.8m Packet content (approximately): 10 large seeds Huge, bright green, shiny leaves adorn this lovely thick-trunked Cretian form of the "Castor Oil Plant"... |
Plant World Seeds - Colutea X Media Seeds... - Fiori - 11,99€Plant World Seeds - Colutea X Media Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Common Name: Bladder Senna Height: 1.5-2.4m This attractive drought-tolerant hybrid between C.arborescens and C.orientalis is a vigorous, medium-sized shrub with blue-green foliage. Rich copper-bronze... |
Plant World Seeds - Amish Deer Tongue Seeds... - Vegetali - 11,99€December 2022 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Amish Deer Tongue Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Packet content (approximately): 250 This excellent 19th Century American heirloom is tolerant across a range of climates, being very resistant to bolting in summer. The almost triangular, loose... |
Plant World Seeds - Danae Racemosa Seeds... - Fiori - 11,99€November 2022 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Danae Racemosa Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Common Name: Alexandrian laurel Laurier d'Alexandrie, Fragron à grappes, Traubendorn, Alexandrinischer Lorbeer, LaubgehÃlze, Poet's Laurel Height: 1.0-1.2m Packet content (approximately): 10 This... |
Plant World Seeds - Astrantia Major Seeds... - Fiori - 7,20€January 2024 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Astrantia Major Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Common Name: Great Masterwort Height: 60cm This long-flowering and very long-lived plant displays showy star-like heads with radiating bracts in shades of green, pink and white. They make excellent... |
Plant World Seeds - Eldoraro Dolcissimo F1 Seeds... - Vegetali - 11,99€September 2023 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Eldoraro Dolcissimo F1 Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Packet content (approximately): 10 This early ripening Italian variety of cantaloupe, Eldoraro produces round/oval fruit weighing a couple of pounds with netted pale lemon skin and darker... |
Premier Seeds Direct LK-F9SV-SHHE Red Foxglove... - GiardinoSeptember 2023 Premier Seeds Direct Premier Seeds Direct LK-F9SV-SHHE Red Foxglove Foxglove Seed - Multicolor (confezione da 3000) Semina sotto copertura: da marzo a maggio o semina direttamente all'aperto da maggio a giugno o da settembre a ottobre. Semina sotto copertura in un buon compostaggio di semi drenanti, coprendo il seme con compost. Il metodo più... |
Plant World Seeds - Scarlet Kale Seeds... - FioriSeptember 2023 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Scarlet Kale Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Packet content (approximately): 150 This attractive hardy variety sports curly, dark-green/purple leaves streaked with red veins which intensify in colour after the first frost. The vitamin-rich leaves... |
Premier Seeds Direct AC-S3CI-P0PR Lobelia "Crystal... - FioriSeptember 2023 Premier Seeds Direct Premier Seeds Direct AC-S3CI-P0PR Lobelia "Crystal Palace" Seme di fiori (confezione da 6000) Semina 4-8 settimane prima dell'ultimo gelo sotto copertura con calore a 18-24C (65-75F) in un buon composto di semi fini. Semina i semi sulla superficie del compost e rassodare delicatamente il compost. Mantenere il terreno umido... |
Semi bio Premier Seeds Direct ORG169 Borragine... - Erbe Aromatiche - 8,22€ 13,99€February 2023 Premier Seeds Direct Semi bio Premier Seeds Direct ORG169 Borragine (confezione da 200) Può essere seminato sotto copertura o all'aperto a partire da fine aprile. Semina semi in trapani o con parsimonia in vassoi di profondità 6 mm. Sottile/trapianto a 30 cm di distanza quando abbastanza grande da maneggiare. La borragine crescerà nella maggior... |
Plant World Seeds - Symphoricarpos Albus Seeds... - Fiori - 11,99€ 14,99€December 2022 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Symphoricarpos Albus Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Common Name: Snowberry, Waxberry, Ghostberry Height: 90cm-1.5m During early summer, the clusters of green-white to pink flowers start to bloom amongst the attractive blue-green leaves, followed... |
Plant World Seeds - Astrantia Maxima Seeds... - Fiori - 11,99€November 2022 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Astrantia Maxima Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Common Name: Masterwort Height: 60cm Packet content (approximately): 15 Exquisite, upwards facing, green bracted, pure rose pink flowers are held above compact clumps of bold tripartite foliage... |
Plant World Seeds - Camellia Sinensis Seeds... - Fiori - 11,99€November 2022 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Camellia Sinensis Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Common Name: Thea chinensis, Tea Tree, Chai Height: 2.0-6.0m Packet content (approximately): 6 Bright green shiny leaves, often with a hairy underside, clad stems holding yellowish-white flowers... |
Plant World Seeds - Hebe Topiara Seeds... - Vegetali - 12,50€September 2022 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Hebe Topiara Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Height: 45-60cm Forming a neat, tight mound of grey-green, evergreen foliage, this attractive shrub looks like it has just been clipped over, hence its name. White flowers open in June and July on knobbly... |
Premier Seeds Direct I1-GQVI-6JRO nasturtium "gem... - Piante, Semi e Bulbi - 6,37€November 2021 Premier Seeds Direct Premier Seeds Direct I1-GQVI-6JRO nasturtium "gem mix" semi più fini (confezione da 160) Giorni alla germinazione: 10-14 giorni. Temperatura ottimale del suolo. per germinazione: 65F. Profondità di pianta: 1/8-1/4". Spaziatura, pianta: 30,5-61 cm. Altezza della pianta: 30,5-35,6 cm. Luce: pieno sole Mantenere il terreno... |
Plant World Seeds - Penstemon Azureus Seeds... - FioriOctober 2023 Plant World Seeds Plant World Seeds - Penstemon Azureus Seeds Genuine Plant World Seeds branded packets supplied direct from Plant World Seeds UK Height: 30-40cm This lovely blue-purple penstemon with thick bluish green leaves is native to the foothills and middle elevations of the Sierras where it thrives in sun to part shade with good... |