Pi-Top PT4-GY-0A Raspberry PI 4 e Foundation Kit... - Viti per ComputerPi-Top PT4-GY-0A Raspberry PI 4 e Foundation Kit con Piu di 100 Ore di Coding Projects, Stem Learning, Compatibile Lego Piu di 100 ore di progetti Sfoglia la nostra biblioteca di progetti per imparare a programmare e creare qualsiasi cosa, da uno strumento musicale a un sistema di allarme Scatola del bento in metallo contenente... |
Raspberry Pi - Libro - 25,08€ 32,19€Raspberry Pi... |
3 asse di magnetometer sensore GY di 271 hmc5883... - Ricambi e Accessori3 asse di magnetometer sensore GY di 271 hmc5883 HMC5883L per Arduino Raspberry Pi... |
Neo - 6 m GPS modulo GY gps6mv2 per Arduino... - Componenti e PezziNeo - 6 m GPS modulo GY gps6mv2 per Arduino Raspberry Pi MultiWii APM Naze32 Flip32... |
ADXL345 GY 291 I2 C Modulo 3 assi ACC per Arduino... - Componenti e PezziADXL345 GY 291 I2 C Modulo 3 assi ACC per Arduino Raspberry Pi MultiWii fai da te... |
PCM5102 Module GY-PCM5102 Decoder Audio DAC Sound... - Portable Audio & Video - 3,45$ 5$PCM5102 Module GY-PCM5102 Decoder Audio DAC Sound Board I2S Interface AUX Amplifier Speaker for Raspberry Pi... |
MissBirdler Pressione dell' aria e temperatura I2 - Ricambi e AccessoriMissBirdler Pressione dell' aria e temperatura I2 C Modulo BMP180 GY 68 F. Arduino Raspberry Pi MultiWii... |
NEO-6M GPS Module Breakout Board for Arduino - Demo Board - 3,35$NEO-6M GPS Module Breakout Board for Arduino Raspberry Pi ESP8266 NEO6MV2 GY-NEO6MV2 Serial UART TTL 3~5VDC... |
RASPBERRY PI Raspberry PI ZERO WH Raspberry-PI-ZWH... - Barebone - 29,99€RASPBERRY PI Raspberry PI ZERO WH Raspberry-PI-ZWH Desktop Computer... |
Raspberry Pi Projects - Libro - 8,02€ 17,80€Raspberry Pi Projects... |
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6DOF MPU 6050 I2 C Modulo 3 assi ACC GY 521 F... - Ricambi e Accessori6DOF MPU 6050 I2 C Modulo 3 assi ACC GY 521 F Arduino Raspberry Pi MultiWii Modello: GY 521 Chip: MPU-100 6050 Tensione di alimentazione: 3 V 5 V. Protocollo di comunicazione: standard I2 C Communication Protocol. Dimensioni: 20 mm (lunghezza) * 16 mm (larghezza)... |
PIBOW COLORE Raspberry Pi CASE microcomputer... - CasePIBOW COLORE Raspberry Pi CASE microcomputer ACRILICI PORTS PRIMARIE ACCESSIBILI Chiaro top e base lasciano il vostro Raspberry Pi visibile Laserato marcature di porta Di alta qualità colorato acrilico colato... |
ZIYUN Open-Source Prototyping Shield for Raspberry... - SupportiZIYUN Open-Source Prototyping Shield for Raspberry Pi This Raspberry Pi prototyping shield is compatible with models B+, 2B and newest 3B. It stacks on top of your Pi and is easily removeable. |
Raspberry Pi 3 B Fan ABS Case with Heatsink... - Demo Board - 8,99$Raspberry Pi 3 B Fan ABS Case with Heatsink Cooling Fan Simple Removable Top Cover for Pi 3 B, Pi 3 Model B, Pi 2 Model B... |
Raspberry PI 3: 2016 User Guide (Raspberry Pi... - Libro - 2,99€Raspberry PI 3: 2016 User Guide (Raspberry Pi, Python, Raspberry Pi 2, Perl, Programming, Raspberry Pi 3, Ruby) (English Edition)... |
RASPBERRY PI Raspberry 12 MP Camera modulo... - BareboneRASPBERRY PI Raspberry 12 MP Camera modulo... |
Geekworm Raspberry Pi 4 Case, Raspberry Pi... - Case - 8,89€November 2023 Geekworm Tb-471905 Geekworm Raspberry Pi 4 Case, Raspberry Pi Universal HAT Size Case DIY Kit, Acrylic Case for Raspberry Pi 4 / 3B+ / 3B / 2B and Raspberry Pi Hat Expansion Board It is a universal acrylic case DIY kit to install raspberry pi hat expansion board with Raspberry Pi 4 / 3B+ / 3B together. This is a Protection solution for non... |
Raspberry Pi 4B Official Keyboard Support... - Demo Board - 20,99$ 29,99$Raspberry Pi 4B Official Keyboard Support Raspberry Pi 4B / Raspberry Pi 3B / Raspberry Pi 3B plus Raspberry Keyboard... |
IUniker Raspberry Pi 3 B Fan ABS Case with... - Demo Board - 16,99$IUniker Raspberry Pi 3 B Fan ABS Case with Heatsink Cooling Fan Simple Removable Top Cover for Pi 2 Pi 3 Model B(Black 3B /3B)... |
Raspberry PI Parent Max2Play @ microSDHC... - Micro SdRaspberry PI Parent Max2Play @ microSDHC... |
Raspberry Pi User Guide - Libro - 39,66€Raspberry Pi User Guide... |
RandA. Raspberry Pi + Arduino - LibroRandA. Raspberry Pi + Arduino... |
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Raspberry Pi Cluster CAPPELLO - Componenti e PezziRaspberry Pi Cluster CAPPELLO... |
Raspberry Pi: Erfassung von Umweltdaten... - Libro - 10,25€Raspberry Pi: Erfassung von Umweltdaten... |
Raspberry Pi for Dummies - Libro - 8,22€ 21,60€Raspberry Pi for Dummies... |
Projets créatifs avec Raspberry Pi... - Libro - 20,71€ 26€Projets créatifs avec Raspberry Pi... |
Caricatore 3 C/Raspberry Pi - AlimentatoriCaricatore 3 C/Raspberry Pi... |
Raspberry Pi pour les nuls - Libro - 24,95€Raspberry Pi pour les nuls... |
Raspberry Pi für Dummies - Libro - 19,20€Raspberry Pi für Dummies... |
Programmare Raspberry Pi in Basic... - Libro - 14,16€ 14,90€Programmare Raspberry Pi in Basic... |
Raspberry Pi. la guida - Libro - 14,90€Raspberry Pi. La guida... |
Raspberry Pi Projects (English Edition)... - Libro - 12,96€Raspberry Pi Projects (English Edition)... |
Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book... - Libro - 13,93€Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book... |
Raspberry Pi Insider Guide - Libro - 9,36€Raspberry Pi Insider Guide... |
Adventures in Raspberry Pi - Libro - 35,47€Adventures in Raspberry Pi... |
Raspberry Pi IoT in C - Libro - 18,20€Raspberry Pi IoT In C... |
Owootecc Raspberry Pi 4B Custodia, Raspberry Pi 4... - ElettronicaOwootecc Raspberry Pi 4B Custodia, Raspberry Pi 4 Case con Ventola 40x40x10mm Raspberry Pi dissipatore di Calore Raspberry Pi Ventola Raspberry Pi Case per Raspberry Pi 4 Modello B (Rosso Bianco)... |