
Oveallgo ex herbalfirm cellulite reduction


Prezzo: 16,28€
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Tipo: Vendo
Stato: Nuovo
Venditore: Azienda
Categoria: Rassodanti
Marca: Fgaith
Taglia: 2box
Tempo di spedizione: 1 giorno

Oveallgo ex herbalfirm cellulite reduction patches, HerbalLegs Cellulite Reduction Patches, lymphvity detoxification and shaping & powerful lifting Patches, skin tightening Patches for body (2box)
[oveallgo ex herbalfirm cellulite reduction patches]:These potent, all-natural patches are formulated to reduce the appearance of cellulite by stimulating circulation and lymphatic drainage, breaking down fatty deposits in the skin, and increasing elasticity.
[Safe and Effective]:HerbalLegs Cellulite Reduction Patches using pure natural plant formula It is absorbed through the skin, enters the bloodstream, and helps to boost the metabolism and the body's overall detoxification.
[Firming and Moisturizing]:When applied to the affected area, the patch creates a micro - climate between the skin and the surrounding area. This extremely special environment promotes skin's natural ability to heal, traps moisture, and helps cellulite skin tighten and swell.
[Breaks Down Cellulite]:Wormwood Leg Stickers For better body shape, remove the cellulite and excess fatty tissues stored in your body to get into shape, it's an incredible and effective ingredient for a product made for those who want to burn fat faster the natural way.
[Comfortable and Breathable]:High quality non-woven material which makes the wormwood patch breathable and adhesive, there is no wet and sultry feeling.
( Vai al Negozio per ulteriori informazioni )

Venditore: Amazon

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