
MXYKJO Sauna Sweat Suits Shirt Waist Trainer for


Prezzo: 16,74€
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Tipo: Vendo
Stato: Nuovo
Venditore: Azienda
Categoria: Tute Dimagranti
Marca: Mxykjo
Colore: Nero
Taglia: XL
Tempo di spedizione: 1 giorno

MXYKJO Sauna Sweat Suits Shirt Waist Trainer for Men Compression Vest Workout Gym Clothes Sweat Enhancer Short Sleeve
SNUG & TIGHT FIT - SLIMMING COMPRESSION: This Sauna Shirt works best when it fits closely to your body so it can really work it's magic and get a Perfect natural curve. And This Shapewear Top Very fits, If you're in between sizes or want some extra room we recommend picking 1 size larger then your normal size.
SWEAT MORE & EFFICIENT FAT BURNING:This neoprene sauna vest waist trainer makes you sweat like crazy and enhance workout. HSOSK sauna suit stimulates sweat during exercise 3x times more than normal clothing to aid in burning fat by preserving body heat where it matters most: your abs, lower back, chest & waist. Gym Exercise Versatile Shaper Vest makes you sweat in the right spot and accelerate fat burning during exercise to achieve your weight loss body sculpting goals.
BYE BELLY FAT & SAFE AND EFFECTIVE: sauna tank top for Men can give you a more toned and athletic look. Put this waist toner on and INSTANTLY feel how it tucks your tummy in, trims your waistline. And This compression t-shirt for men keeps your muscles warm, support the back, Improve body shape, improve posture, and help prevent muscle or joint injuries during workouts training and everyday activities. effectively relieve and avoid waist pain, protect the spine!
PREMIUM NEOPRENE MATERIAL: This waist cincher Heat Trapping Sweat Compression Vest is made of top quality neoprene and nylon, which is smooth, healthy, moisture-wicking, let you'll enjoy a hot-sauna-like experience and the associated health benefits for healthy. help you burn more calories. More sweat, less time. prompt weight loss effect. This shaper workout shirt will make you look slimmer INSTANTLY. You can wear it with other exercise equipments and everyday clothes.
SATISFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE: HSOSK will always be here for our customers! We provide excellent pre and after sale service. 24-hour AMZ Instant custom
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Venditore: Amazon

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