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Machine Learning and AI for Healthcare: Big Data

in vendita sui migliori siti di annunci in Italia

Machine Learning and AI for Healthcare: Big Data...

Machine Learning and AI for Healthcare: Big Data... - Libro - 20,14€ 40,65€

January 2022  

Machine Learning and AI for Healthcare: Big Data for Improved Health Outcomes...

C#: Machine Learning, Lvl 1: Create GREAT Machine...

C#: Machine Learning, Lvl 1: Create GREAT Machine... - Libro - 2,99€

September 2023    

C#: Machine Learning, Lvl 1: Create GREAT Machine Learning Algorithms! Build INTELLIGENT Apps TODAY! Great for: Data Mining, Neural Networks, Deep Learning,. .. (Machine Learning Series) (English Edition)...

Machine Learning: The Ultimate Guide to Machine...

Machine Learning: The Ultimate Guide to Machine... - Libro - 5,22€

December 2023    

Machine Learning: The Ultimate Guide to Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Deep Learning for Beginners Who Want to Understand Applications, Artificial. .. Mining, Big Data and More (English Edition)...

Machine Learning with Python

Machine Learning with Python - Libro - 19,55€

April 2023    

Machine Learning with Python Introduction to machine learning, python and jupyter Learn about feature engineering and data visualization using real world data sets Learn various regression and classification techniques Deep learning and neural network concepts and practical covered Text analysis, recommendation engines...

Machine Learning: w/ Java, Lvl 1: Create GREAT...

Machine Learning: w/ Java, Lvl 1: Create GREAT... - Libro - 2,99€

August 2023    

Machine Learning: w/ Java, Lvl 1: Create GREAT Machine Learning Algorithms! Build INTELLIGENT Apps TODAY! Great for: Data Mining, Neural Networks, Deep. .. (Machine Learning Series) (English Edition)...

Advanced Machine Learning with Python: Solve data...

Advanced Machine Learning with Python: Solve data... - Libro - 21,10€

May 2024    

Advanced Machine Learning with Python: Solve data science problems by mastering cutting-edge machine learning techniques in Python (English Edition)...

Machine Learning: For Beginners - Your Starter...

Machine Learning: For Beginners - Your Starter... - Libro - 2,99€

October 2023    

Machine Learning: For Beginners - Your Starter Guide For Data Management, Model Training, Neural Networks, Machine Learning Algorithms (English Edition)...

Feature Engineering for Machine Learning and Data...

Feature Engineering for Machine Learning and Data... - Libro - 31,50€

October 2023    

Feature Engineering for Machine Learning and Data Analytics (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series) (English Edition)...

Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning: Value...

Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning: Value... - Libro - 37,34€

September 2023    

Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning: Value Creation for Business Leaders and Practitioners (Wiley and SAS Business Series) (English Edition)...

Machine Learning: Machine Learning for Beginners...

Machine Learning: Machine Learning for Beginners... - Libro - 2,99€

September 2023    

Machine Learning: Machine Learning for Beginners. Can machines really learn like humans? All about Artificial Intelligence (A.I), Deep Learning and Digital. .. Forests, Computer Science) (English Edition)...

Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning: Value...

Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning: Value... - Libro

July 2024    

Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning: Value Creation for Business Leaders and Practitioners (Wiley and SAS Business Series)...

Deep Learning in Python: Master Data Science and...

Deep Learning in Python: Master Data Science and... - Libro - 2,99€

April 2024    

Deep Learning in Python: Master Data Science and Machine Learning with Modern Neural Networks written in Python, Theano, and TensorFlow (Machine Learning in Python) (English Edition)...

Unsupervised Deep Learning in Python: Master Data...

Unsupervised Deep Learning in Python: Master Data... - Libro - 4,69€

March 2024    

Unsupervised Deep Learning in Python: Master Data Science and Machine Learning with Modern Neural Networks written in Python and Theano (Machine Learning in Python) (English Edition)...

Data Science with Machine Learning: Python...

Data Science with Machine Learning: Python... - Libro - 19,06€

November 2023    

Data Science with Machine Learning: Python Interview Questions Book - data science with machine learning - python interview questions Language: english Binding: paperback...

Data Mining:: Practical Machine Learning Tools and...

Data Mining:: Practical Machine Learning Tools and... - Libro - 39,28€

October 2023    

Data Mining:: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) (English Edition)...

Factors Which Affect E-Learning Outcomes in a...

Factors Which Affect E-Learning Outcomes in a... - Libro - 81,31€

October 2023    

Factors Which Affect E-Learning Outcomes in a Developing Country - - [Author: Keramati Abbas] [Nov-2012]...

Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in...

Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in... - Libro - 125,94€

October 2023    

Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronomy: A Practical Python Guide for the Analysis of Survey Data...

Enhanced Machine Learning and Data Mining Methods...

Enhanced Machine Learning and Data Mining Methods... - Libro - 80,24€

September 2023    

Enhanced Machine Learning and Data Mining Methods for Analysing Large Hybrid Electric Vehicle Fleets based on Load Spectrum Data...

Azure Machine Learning Studio for The Non-Data...

Azure Machine Learning Studio for The Non-Data... - Libro - 21,88€

September 2023    

Azure Machine Learning Studio for The Non-Data Scientist: Learn how to create experiments, operationalize them using Excel and Angular. Net Core. .. programs to improve predictive results.

Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning: Value...

Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning: Value... - Libro - 53,35€

September 2023    

Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning: Value Creation for Business Leaders and Practitioners...

Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and...

Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and... - Libro - 32,02€

March 2023    

Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems) (English Edition)...

Big Data and Machine Learning in Quantitative...

Big Data and Machine Learning in Quantitative... - Libro - 30,86€

November 2022    

Big Data and Machine Learning in Quantitative Investment (Wiley Finance) (English Edition)...

Hands-On Data Science and Python Machine Learning...

Hands-On Data Science and Python Machine Learning... - Libro - 30,99€

September 2022    

Hands-On Data Science and Python Machine Learning: Perform data mining and machine learning efficiently using Python and Spark...

Machine Learning: For Beginners - Your Definitive...

Machine Learning: For Beginners - Your Definitive... - Libro - 2,99€

July 2024    

Machine Learning: For Beginners - Your Definitive Guide For Machine Learning Framework, Machine Learning Model, Bayes Theorem, Decision Trees (English Edition)...

A tu per tu col Machine Learning: l'incredibile...

A tu per tu col Machine Learning: l'incredibile... - Ebook Kindle - 9,99€

July 2024    

A tu per tu col Machine Learning: L'incredibile viaggio di un developer nel favoloso mondo della Data Science...

Advanced Machine Learning with Python [Lingua...

Advanced Machine Learning with Python [Lingua... - Libro - 37,99€

January 2024    

Advanced Machine Learning with Python [Lingua inglese]: Solve data science problems by mastering cutting-edge machine learning techniques in Python...

Unsupervised Machine Learning in Python: Master...

Unsupervised Machine Learning in Python: Master... - Libro - 4,45€

November 2023    

Unsupervised Machine Learning in Python: Master Data Science and Machine Learning with Cluster Analysis, Gaussian Mixture Models, and Principal Components Analysis (English Edition)...

Factors which affect E-learning outcomes in a...

Factors which affect E-learning outcomes in a... - Libro - 47,62€

October 2023    

Factors which affect E-learning outcomes in a developing country: The case of Iran...

A First Course in Machine Learning...

A First Course in Machine Learning... - Libro - 57,24€

October 2023    

A First Course in Machine Learning Un primo corso di Machine Learning Chapman & Hall/CRC Machine Learning & Pattern Recognition Tipo di prodotto: ABIS BOOK Marca: Chapman e Hall/CRC...

A tu per tu col Machine Learning. l'incredibile...

A tu per tu col Machine Learning. l'incredibile... - Libro - 23,66€ 24,90€

October 2023    

A tu per tu col Machine Learning. L'incredibile viaggio di un developer nel favoloso mondo della Data Science...

Machine Learning: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners...

Machine Learning: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners... - Libro - 0,99€

September 2023    

Machine Learning: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Starters (Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Data Science, Machine Learning For Beginners) (English Edition)...

Machine Learning For Big Data: Hands-On For...

Machine Learning For Big Data: Hands-On For... - Libro - 32,75€

September 2023    

Machine Learning For Big Data: Hands-On For Developers And Technical Professionals...

Azure Machine Learning Studio for The Non-Data...

Azure Machine Learning Studio for The Non-Data... - Libro - 5,01€

September 2023    

Azure Machine Learning Studio for The Non-Data Scientist: Learn how to create experiments, operationalize them using Excel and Angular. Net Core applications,. .. create retraining programs (English Edition)...

Deep Learning in Python Prerequisites: Master Data...

Deep Learning in Python Prerequisites: Master Data... - Libro - 2,99€

August 2023    

Deep Learning in Python Prerequisites: Master Data Science and Machine Learning with Linear Regression and Logistic Regression in Python (Machine Learning in Python) (English Edition)...

Mastering Java Machine Learning: a Java...

Mastering Java Machine Learning: a Java... - Libro - 26,93€

April 2023    

Mastering Java Machine Learning: A Java developer's guide to implementing machine learning and big data architectures (English Edition)...

Machine Learning mit Python und Scikit-Learn und...

Machine Learning mit Python und Scikit-Learn und... - Libro - 43,44€

October 2022    

Machine Learning mit Python und Scikit-Learn und TensorFlow: Das umfassende Praxis-Handbuch für Data Science, Predictive Analytics und Deep Learning (mitp Professional)...

Big Data et Machine Learning: Les concepts et les...

Big Data et Machine Learning: Les concepts et les... - Libro - 14€ 29,90€

April 2022    

Big Data et Machine Learning: Les concepts et les outils de la data science...

Machine Learning: The Art and Science of...

Machine Learning: The Art and Science of... - Libro - 39,07€

September 2023    

Machine Learning: The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of Data (English Edition)...

Machine Learning mit Python: Das Praxis-Handbuch...

Machine Learning mit Python: Das Praxis-Handbuch... - Libro - 6,25€

August 2023    

Machine Learning mit Python: Das Praxis-Handbuch für Data Science, Predictive Analytics und Deep Learning (mitp Professional)...

Machine Learning mit Python - Das Praxis-Handbuch...

Machine Learning mit Python - Das Praxis-Handbuch... - Libro - 51,16€

November 2023    

Machine Learning mit Python - Das Praxis-Handbuch für Data Sience, Predictive Analytics und Deep Learning (German Edition)...

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