
Leather Recoloring Balm | Leather Repair Kits for


Prezzo: 21,30€
( Vai al Negozio per verificare il prezzo )

Tipo: Vendo
Stato: Nuovo
Venditore: Azienda
Categoria: Kit Invernali per Auto
Marca: Donlinon
Colore: Grigio
Taglia: 50ml
Tempo di spedizione: 4-5 giorn

Leather Recoloring Balm | Leather Repair Kits for Couches | Leather Restoration Cream for Furniture/Car Seats/Belt/Boots. Leather Repair Cream for Upholstery (Gray)
→ Long-term use of leather goods will appear dull, fade, etc.How to deal with it ?Do not worry, we can help you, For leather products, we are usually colored and supplemented.
→ Don't worry about discoloration, the complementary color pigment of the leather repair cream has very strong penetrating power, firm coloration, not easy to discolor, just like the new shoes you just bought, the color is bright and very durable.
→ It is suitable for leather refurbishment and car seat surface complementary color renovation when plastic or any hard surface, such as car decoration and upholstery, furniture, leather jackets and clothes: sofas, sofas, car panels, tops, dashboards, boat seats, upholstery, luggage, clothes and carpets.
→ First clean the stains on the surface of the leather, and secondly wipe the film repeatedly with gauze, dry it and then add color.Thirdly, apply complementary leather repair gel . It can be painted multiple times, and the second time after the first paint is dry. A small number of times can help your shoe repair perfectly.
→ About Leather Care: You can use wet rag mix some milk to wipe leather.it is easy and make your leather bright and very soft.
( Vai al Negozio per ulteriori informazioni )

Venditore: Amazon

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