
HIDRUO Indestructible Disc for Grinder


Prezzo: 21,99€
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Tipo: Vendo
Stato: Nuovo
Venditore: Azienda
Categoria: Dischi Diamantati
Marca: Hidruo
Tempo di spedizione: 1 giorno

HIDRUO Indestructible Disc for Grinder, Indestructible Disc 2.0 - Cut Everything in Seconds, 4" X 1/25" X 4/5” Cut off Wheels, Indestructible Disc for Angle Grinder Metal Cutting Disc (4)
The Indestructible Disc 2.0: Conventional angle grinder discs break quickly and cut poorly. Our Indestructible Disc 2.0 solves this problem. It is extremely durable and cuts anything in seconds, no matter what the material.
Precise and Fast Cuts: The cutting speed is fast, and the cut is flat and does not break. Rest assured the disc will cut any material, whether glass, stone, ceramic, crystal or tile. You get clean cuts in half the time.
Indestructible Disc for Grinder: Are you afraid the object will be damaged or shattered? Don't worry, the Indestructible Disc 2.0 is so sharp that it cuts everything like butter. With a high temperature resistant surface, it provides less vibration and precise, fast cuts.
Easy to Use: It is easy to install and use. Can be used with the requirements of dry / wet cutting and long continuous cuts. No matter what angle grinder you use the Indestructible Disc 2.0 is standardized to fit all.
Widely Used: The Indestructible Disc for Grinder cuts with outstanding precision, leaving your material clean and chip-free. It is suitable for chamfering, grinding and smooth cutting of jade, crystal, metal, ceramics, tiles and other materials.
( Vai al Negozio per ulteriori informazioni )

Venditore: Amazon

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