
Acne Treatments Serum,Acne Spot Treatment Tea Tree...

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Tipo: Vendo
Venditore: Azienda
Categoria: Trattamenti Anti Acne
Marca: Elbbub
Taglia: 17 ml

Acne Treatments Serum,Acne Spot Treatment Tea Tree Clear Skin Serum for Clearing Severe Acne, Breakout, Pimple, and Repairing Skin
【RICH TEA TREE OIL TO HEAL ACNE】 Formulated with Tea Tree Oil, with the strong permeability, this acne treatment kit can effectively treat acne and pimple, adjust grease secretion, expedite healing process, relieve and repair damaged skin.
【MILD FORMULA AND LIGHT TEXTURE】 The formula is mild with multiple plants extract, it is refreshing and not greasy, which can be quickly absorbed. Continue use 3-4 weeks, it will effectively treat the acne and pimples, and repair the rough phenomenon caused by the acne. For severe acne, it is recommended to use this serum for 2 cycles.
【REDUCE REDNESS AND REPAIR SKIN】 Containing with multiple effective ingredients, our acne treatment serum can enhance the skin cells' metabolism, effectively reduces the redness of the acne and pimples, maintain the skin elasticity, moisture and repair the skin.
【 ACNE SERUM】Acne and other skin conditions leave your complexion looking red and uneven. Our acne serum supports healthy skin by naturally reducing inflammation and soothing troubled skin for an overall more even skin tone! This is also an effective dark spot corrector and hyperpigmentation treatment.
Comes with friendly service, if you have any questions or ideas when using the acne treatment kit, simply message us and we will help you.
( Vai al Negozio per ulteriori informazioni )

Venditore: Amazon

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