
Solar Water Pump Fountain Outdoor Bird Bath


26 February 2023 03:01

Prezzo: 37,26€
Prezzo di listino: 55,89€
( Vai al Negozio per verificare lo sconto )

Tipo: Vendo
Stato: Nuovo
Venditore: Azienda
Categoria: Prodotti
Marca: #n/a

Prezzo spedizione: 3,99€ 

Tempo di spedizione: 6-16

Important Hint:1. This product is easy to use, choose a garden pool, swimming pool, etc. with plenty of sunshine, tear off the protective film on the solar panel, activate the product to the sun and put it into the water, the product can be turned on and work, and the pump will work when the sun is abundant during the day. Power is provided by solar energy, and the remaining batteries will be stored in the internal battery. When the sunlight is weak, the product will automatically switch to battery power to ensure the normal operation of the water pump. 2. This product has functions such as water shortage protection, which effectively prolongs the service life of the pump. If you find that the water pump stops working during use, please check whether the water pump is short of water, or check whether the water inlet of the water pump is blocked by foreign objects, please clean it in time, and then it can work normally. Pay attention to regularly cleaning sundries and dirt on the solar
( Vai al Negozio per ulteriori informazioni )

Venditore: Manomano

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